Regency Ceramics Disaster

Three industrial workers were injured Friday as police opened fire when large-scale violence by employees of a
ceramics factory rocked Yanam, Police said hundreds of
workers of Regency Ceramics
went on rampage, setting
afire parts of the factory and
dozens of vehicles nearby. The trouble began Friday
morning when a leader of
striking employees died under
suspicious circumstances. The
employees alleged that Murali
Mohan was one of the 100 people arrested and he died in
police custody. Angry workers laid siege to
the police station, pelted
stones at and clashed with the
police. As baton charge failed
to disperse the angry
workers, the police opened fire, injuring three workers. Over 700 workers of the
factory were on strike for the
last 15 days demanding hike in
salaries. The management has
reportedly decided to retrench
some workers and had even
obtained orders from the
Madras High Court that the
striking workers should not come within 200 metres of the
industrial unit. As the striking workers
gathered near the factory
gate Friday morning, the
police swung into action and
arrested them.

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